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Webinar - Carbon Credit Confidence: Mastering Impact, Quality and Price in Procurement

Catch our latest webinar in partnership with Trellis Group on-demand!

Featuring valuable insights from CEEZER's Dr. Carla Woydt, JPMorgan Chase, and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, we explored the vital role of holistic project analysis and data in navigating the complexities of the voluntary carbon market and project due diligence, highlighting key criteria for effectively mitigating market risks during carbon credit procurement. 

Watching this webinar, you will explore:

  1. The interconnection between delivery and pricing risks in carbon offset agreements.
  2. How these risks impact carbon credit quality.
  3. Key criteria for effectively mitigating market risks during carbon credit procurement.

Find out more on how CEEZER assesses carbon credit risk, here in our recent white paper.